1801006191 - Long case

1801006191 - Long case

This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

The patient/ attender was informed the purpose of the information being acquired. An informed consent was taken from patient/ attender and there is omission of information that was requested to be omitted. 

A 65 years old male , resident of Narketpally, alcohol seller & shepherd by occupation presented to the OPD 4 days back with cheif complaints of :
- Fever since 3 days 
- Cough since 3 days 

History of presenting illness :

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 years back, then he developed giddiness for which he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for which he was prescribed Metformin 500 mg .

Then, 6 months back patient had developed pitting type of pedal edema upto the knees and was diagnosed to have chronic kidney disease with left upper ureter calculi . Surgery was planned but couldn't be done as the patient was unfit for surgery and therefore, was managed conservatively .

He has been having dry cough occasionally since 6 months .

Then he developed fever 3 days back that was insidious in onset , low grade , associated with chills and weight loss . 
Then he also developed productive cough that was sudden in onset, with sputum that was mucoid in nature, non foul smelling, non blood tinged .
No history of loose stools 
No history of vomitings , abdominal pain 

Past History: 

Known case of chronic kidney disease .
Similar episodes of fever lasting for 4-5 days which is relieved on medication.

Not a known case of hypertension, asthma, epilepsy, coronary artery diseases, thyroid disorders .

Personal history :

Daily routine :

He wakes up at 6 am in the morning, takes his sheep out for grazing and then returns home at around 9 am . He has his breakfast and opens his liquor shop by 11 am .He returns home at around 1 pm , has his lunch and again returns back to his shop . He then comes back home at 9 pm at night, has his dinner and sleeps .

He consumes a mixed diet.
He has a good appetite .
He has adequate sleep .
Bowel and bladder movements are regular .

He used to drink whisky 90 - 180 ml/day but since 6 months, he is only drinking occasionally during festivals .

Family history : There are no similar complaints in the family .

General Examination : 

Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative, well oriented to time, place and person .

Pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, generalised lymphadenopathy and pedal edema are absent.


Temperature : afebrile
Blood pressure : 120/86 mm Hg
Pulse rate : 80 bpm 
Respiratory rate : 18 cpm

Systemic Examination :

Respiratory system examination :

Upper respiratory tract :

Oral cavity is normal
Dental carries absent
Nasal septum is central
No post nasal drip

On inspection :
- The chest is bilaterally symmetrical .
- Both sides of chest are moving equally with respiration .

On palpation :
- Expansion of chest is symmetrical .
- Position of trachea is central .
- Tactile vocal fremitus - decreased on right side
- AP diameter 16 cm 
- Transverse diameter 23 cm
- Transverse diameter/Anteroposterior diameter ratio = 23/16 = 1.4
( Normally, 7/5 = 1.4 )

On percussion -  Dull note on right mammary, infra-axillary, interscapular, infrascapular .

R = resonant 
On auscultation - bilateral air entry present, normal vesicular breath sounds are heard, vocal resonance is decreased breath sounds in right mammary, infra-axillary, interscapular, infrascapular .

Cardiovascular system examination :

On inspection :
. The chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical, there are no skeletal deformities.
. There are no dilated and engorged superficial veins .
. Apical pulsation present, there are no other pulsations .

On palpation :
• Apex beat was felt in the left 5th intercostal space medial to the mid clavicular line. 
• JVP was normal 
• No parasternal heave

On auscultation ‐ S1, S2 heard , no murmurs

Abdominal examination : soft, non tender, no organomegaly, bowel sounds heard .

Central nervous system examination :

Higher mental functions are intact
All cranial nerves are intact
Motor system is normal
Sensory system is normal
Cerebellar signs are absent
No signs of meningeal irritation 

Provisional diagnosis : Respiratory disease 

Investigations :

Albumin ++
Sugars +++

Pleural fluid analysis :

Volume = 3 ml
Pale yellow, cloudy
750cells/mm3 - 30% neutrophils, 70% lymphocytes
RBCs - nil
ADA - 83.6 IU/L

Chest X - Ray

Final Diagnosis : Right sided pleural effusion (maybe secondary to TB ? )

 Treatment :

Anti tubercular drugs :
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg/weight
Rifampicin 10mg/kg/weight
Ethambutol 20 mg/kg/weight
Pyrazinamide 20-25 mg/kg/ weight 
4 tablets a day fixed dose .


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