64 year old male with altered sensorium

64 Year Old Male With Altered Sensorium

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. 

A 64 year old male , resident of Choutuppal, presented to the OPD with chief complaints of:

- productive cough and hiccups since 15 days
- loss of appetite and incontinence of both bowel and bladder since 11 days
- unable to talk since 9 days ( the patient is conscious but incoherent )

History of presenting illness : The patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then he developed productive cough that was insidious in onset . He had loss of appetite since 11 days . He also had history of fever and loose stools ( 5 episodes ) for 1 day that releived on taking medications .
He was unable to talk ( incoherent ) since 9 days .

Past history : The patient is a known case of diabetes since 6 years and is on metformin since 4 years . 
Not a k/c/o hypertension, epilepsy, thyroid disorders .

Personal history : He used to work as a cattle rearer 3 years back but is not now as he is unable to walk without using a stick . 

Diet - mixed
Appetite - decreased
Sleep - adequate
Bowel and bladder movements - regular
Addictions - Occasional alcoholic ( during functions ) and tobacco chewing daily since last 30 yrs .

Family history : The patient's mother had TB 5 years back and was treated . The patient's daughter also had TB 7 years back and was treated .

General Examination : The patient is conscious, incoherent and uncooperative . He is moderately built and nourished .

Pallor - present
Cyanosis, clubbing, generalised lymphadenopathy, pedal edema are absent .


Temperature : 98 F 
BP : 110/70 mm Hg 
PR : 117 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
GRBS : 188 mg/dl

Systemic Examination : 

CNS : The patient is well oriented to person but not to time and place .

GCS : E4V2M1

Motor system examination :

                        Right                              Left                       
Tone : UL         hypo                          hypo              
           LL          hyper                        hyper            

Power :          Right                             Left 
            UL         0/5                             2/5
             LL         0/5                             0/5
Reflexes : not elicited

CVS : 
On palpation ‐
• Apex beat was felt in the left 5th intercostal space medial to the mid clavicular line. 
• JVP was normal 
• No parasternal heave
On auscultation ‐ S1, S2 heard , no murmurs 

RS : decreased air entry more on the left side, 
Position of trachea - central 

P/A : soft, non tender, no organomegaly, no distension, bowel sounds heard.

Provisional Diagnosis : 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB ) 
- Left> right sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 
- Prerenal AKI 
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

Investigations :

Fever chart
Grams Staining and Culture
CBNAAT of CSF fluid tested negative

Final diagnosis : 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left> right sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 
- Prerenal AKI 
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

Treatment : 
ATT was started from 31/12/22 .
6 units HAI given in the morning at 8 am .

1) IVF 2 units NS , 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Tab . Banadon 40mg PO/OD 
4) Syp lactulose 15 ml RT / BD 
5) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
6) Inj . Dexa 4 mg IV / TID 
7) ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day 
Isoniazid - 5 mg/kg
Rifampicin - 10 mg/kg
Pyrazinamide - 25 mg/kg
Ethambutol - 15 mg/kg
8) RT Feeds - 100 ml milk + 3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 
9) Passive physiotherapy

My questions regarding this patient :

1) What is the cause of pre renal AKI in this patient ?

2) What is the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosing TB with CBNAAT of CSF fluid in adults ?

In children :


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