18 year old girl with continuous headache throughout the day since 6 months


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. 

A 18 year old girl studying in intermediate 2 nd year ( BiPC ) residing in Nampally mandal, Nalgonda district presented to the OPD with chief complaint of headache since 1 year .

History of presenting illness : The patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back, then she developed intermittent episodes of headache that did not have any aggravating factors and releived with medications .

One year back ( 09-08-2021 ) , the patient went to a hospital in Nalgonda for her headache, where they did an eye checkup ( she did not have any sight ) and adviced her to wear non sight glasses for her headache ( but the patient does not find any improvement in her headache ) .

Now, since 6 months she is having severe continuous bilateral throbbing type of headache more in the temporal region that aggravates by evenings and is not associated with nausea, vomitings . There is no diplopia, vision or auditory problems .

Around 1 month ago she visited another hospital for her headache, where they had prescribed her Sertraline ( 25 mg ) and Escetalopram ( 5 mg ) for 1 month, but she took the tablets only for 8 days as her headache had decreased .
But as she again started having continuous headache, she visited KIMS Narketpally twice , was given medications :
19/11/22 - naxdom, calcium, multivitamin, pantop
29/11/22 - ibuprofen, amitryptilline 

- when she consumes cold food 
- consumes any type of fruits in the mornings
- drinks normal room temperature water ( she avoids or tries to drink less water especially in the mornings after waking up )
- eating curd at nights for dinner
- loud noises and listening to songs
- during exams when she is stressed
RELEIVING FACTORS :  headache is temporarily releived when she drinks tea and sleeps for sometime .

Personal history : The patient wakes up at around 6 - 7 am in the morning, freshens up and has her breakfast at around 8 am which is usually rice with any curry . Then she goes to her college in Nampally by walking and attends college from 9 am to 4 pm . She takes lunch box from home and eats in college at around 1pm . After she returns home at 4 pm, she does some house chores like dishwashing ( as her mom works as a nurse ) and watches tv or studies for sometime upto 5:30 pm . She then takes rest from 6 pm to 7 pm . She has her dinner at 8 pm and sleeps by 9 pm .

Diet - mixed ( consumes chicken once a week )
Appetite - normal
Sleep - disrturbed ( wakes up in the middle of the night due to severe headache )
Bowel and bladder movements - regular

Past history : The patient is not a known case of hypertension, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy .

Family history : Her mother also gets headache in the temporal region on consuming cold foods that relieves in 3 days with or without tablets .

General Examination : The patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative, well built and nourished .
Pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, generalised lymphadenopathy and pedal edema are absent.


Temperature - afebrile
HR - 73 bpm
BP - 120/80 mmHg
RR - 18 cpm

Systemic Examination : 

CNS : The patient is well oriented to time, place, person.
Higher mental functions are intact.

Cranial nerve examination :‐
All cranial nerves are intact and functioning. 

Motor System Examination :‐
• Normal bulk in upper and lower limbs
• Normal tone in upper and lower limbs
• Normal power in upper and lower limbs
• Gait is normal .
. Reflexes are normal .

Sensory System Examination :‐
Normal sensations are felt in all the dermatomes.

No cerebellar signs .
No meningeal signs.

CVS : 
On palpation ‐
• Apex beat was felt in the left 5th intercostal space medial to the mid clavicular line. 
• JVP was normal 
• No parasternal heave
On auscultation ‐ S1, S2 heard , no murmurs 

RS :
On inspection ‐
• Chest is bilaterally symmetrical 
• Expansion of chest: Equal on both sides
• Position of trachea: Central
• No visible scars, sinuses, pulsations
On palpation : 
• Expansion of chest was equal on both sides. 
• Position of trachea: Central
• Tactile Vocal Fremitus: resonant note was felt.
On percussion: all lung areas were resonant 
On auscultation : 
• Bilateral air entry was present, normal vesicular breath sounds were heard. 
• Vocal resonance: resonant in all areas

P/A : soft, non tender, no organomegaly, no distension, bowel sounds heard.

Investigations :

Serum urea
Serum creatinine
Electrolyte levels
Differential diagnosis : 
Chronic migraine
Tension headaches
Cluster headaches

Provisional Diagnosis : Headache in the temporal region which may be due to stress? or tension? or any arteritis in the brain? under evaluation

Treatment :

1) Tab. Naproxen 250 mg PO TID for 5 days
2) Multivitamin tablet PO OD for 15 days


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